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QT$QT$ B  CjjB  ThisguidespecificationhasbeenpreparedbyTorZoSurfacestoassistdesignprofessionalsinthepreparationof x  aspecificationsectioncoveringDurum,Hemp,Indure,Orient,Parda,andTiikeriresininfused#jjި#jjcompositewall 8  panelsforinteriorlocations.#jj #jjRefertoTorZoSurfaces#jjށ #jjliteratureforadditionalinformation.   #jj #jjThefollowingshouldbenotedinusingthisguidespecification: x  #jjY #jj0 Q Optionaltextrequiringaselectionbytheuserisenclosedwithinbrackets,e.g.:"Section[090000.]  [______.]"`QT$QT$ 0 Q Itemsrequiringuserinputareenclosedwithinbrackets,e.g.:"Section[______________]."8QT$QT$ 0 Q Optionalparagraphsareseparatedbyan"OR"statement,e.g.:`QT$QT$ @>>$****OR****#jj #jjԈ 8 #jj #jj#jjP#  0 Q "Green"requirementsareincludedforprojectsrequiringLEEDcertification,andareincludedasgreentext. ` ForadditionalinformationonLEED,visittheU.S.GreenBuildingCouncilwebsiteat4 O  5  www.usgbc.org.6O   7 u"x  QT$QT$ / OtherguidespecificationsareavailablefromTorZoSurfacescoveringotherusesforresininfusedcomposite " products,including: `#  Q Section068313ResinInfused.CompositeFabrications 8%  Q Section096429ResinInfused)CompositeFlooringjj `' #jj#Forassistanceontheuseoftheproductsinthissection,contactTorZoSurfacesbycalling8668220002,by 8!) email|#at4 O  5  info@torzosurfaces.com6O$  7 R,]#L  M  orvisittheirwebsiteat 4~4O  5  (www.torzosurfaces.com6)O=  7Pkjj% . !* #jj#jjC#jjg#"KT"  KT2PART  1  3    ݀0  GENERAL   Y       KT ݌#0!,T$T$ Ќ  "t"  t2  1  .  1  3  0 Q   SUMMARYt݌%".QT$QT$ Ќ  "u"  u0 Q 2  A  .3  0QT$QT$  SectionIncludes:u݌&8$0T$T$ Ќ  "v["  v[0 Q 0QT$QT$2  1  .3  0T$T$  Resininfusedcompositewallpanels.jjv[݌P'$1T$T$ Ќ   #jjޘ#jj"v["  v[R0 Q 0QT$QT$2  2  .3  0T$T$  Settingmaterialsandaccessories.#jj3#v[R݌(%2T$T$ Ќ   B  Editthefollowingparagraphstosuitprojectrequirementsandtocoordinatewithothersectionsintheproject )8'4 manual. 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CXC9X"u"  uY0 Q 2   B   .3  0QT$QT$  Substitutions:[UnderprovisionsofDivision01.][Notpermitted.]uYBY݌` T$T$ Ќ  "t"  taZ2  2  .  2  3  0 Q   MATERIALStaZZ݌ QT$QT$ Ќ  B  IncludethefollowingforDurumsheet. ` T[CJ[B  C["u"  u[0 Q 2   A   .3  0QT$QT$  ResinInfusedCompositePanels:u[\݌T$T$ Ќ  "v["  v[]0 Q 0QT$QT$2  1  .3  0T$T$  Product:Durum.v[]0]݌HT$T$ Ќ   "v["  v[^0 Q 0QT$QT$2  2  .3  0T$T$  Sustainablecontent:70percentpreconsumerrecycledandrapidlyrenewablewheatstraw.v[^F^݌`T$T$ Ќ   "v["  v[x_0 Q 0QT$QT$2  3  .3  0T$T$  Freefromaddedureaformaldehyde.v[x__݌ T$T$ Ќ   jjB  #jjޡ`#Editthefollowingparagraphtoindicatecolorofresininfusedcompositesheet. H jj`C`#jjca#jj"v["  v[a0 Q 0QT$QT$2  4  .3  0T$T$  Color:[____.][Tobeselectedfrommanufacturersfullcolorrange.]#jja#jjv[ab݌ T$T$ Ќ   B  #jjc#Editthefollowingparagraphtoindicatethicknessofresininfusedcompositesheet. 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'$1 xvCnvB  Cv"u "  uv0 Q 2   B   .3  0QT$QT$  ResinInfusedCompositePanels:uv*w݌(H&3T$T$ Ќ  "v["  v[%x0 Q 0QT$QT$2  1  .3  0T$T$  Product:Hemp.v[%xRx݌`)'4T$T$ Ќ   "v["  v[:y0 Q 0QT$QT$2  2  .3  0T$T$  Sustainablecontent:50percentpreconsumerrecycledandrapidlyrenewablehempfiber.v[:ygy݌ *'5T$T$ Ќ   "v["  v[z0 Q 0QT$QT$2  3  .3  0T$T$  Freefromaddedureaformaldehyde.v[zz݌*(6T$T$ Ќ   jjB  #jj{#Editthefollowingparagraphtoindicatecolorofresininfusedcompositesheet. `,*8 jj  -*9 {C{#jjރ|#jj"v["  v[}0 Q 0QT$QT$2  4  .3  0T$T$  Color:[____.][Tobeselectedfrommanufacturersfullcolorrange.]#jj|#jjv[}H}݌XT$T$ Ќ   B  #jj4~#Editthefollowingparagraphtoindicatethicknessofresininfusedcompositesheet.  jjC~~#jjS#jj"v["  v[0 Q 0QT$QT$2  5  .3  0T$T$  Thickness:[3/8][1/2]inch,testedtoASTMD1037.#jj޸#jjv[݌XT$T$ Ќ   #jjڀ#jj"v["  v[0 Q 0QT$QT$2  6  .3  0T$T$  #jju#jjPhysicalcharacteristics:v[݌T$T$ Ќ   "wC"  wC0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  a  .3  0 T$T$  #jje#Density:70,testedtoASTMD2395.wC#݌ T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC@0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  b  .3  0 T$T$  Internalbond:92,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jj$#.wC@m݌@ T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC诅0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  c  .3  0 T$T$  Modulusofrupture:2397,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jjޚ#.wC诅܅݌X T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC%0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  d  .3  0 T$T$  Modulusofelasticity:550,473,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jj#.wC%R݌   T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC衈0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  e  .3  0 T$T$  Hardness,Jankaball:3100,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jjގ#.wC衈Έ݌   T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  f  .3  0 T$T$  Screwholding;testedtoASTMjjD1037#jj#:wCF݌ @  T$ T$ Ќ  "xD"  xD0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$0 T$T$2  1  )3  0Y T$ T$  Face:434.xD݌X Y T$Y T$ Ќ   "xD"  xD0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$0 T$T$2  2  )3  0Y T$ T$  Edge:372.xD݌ Y T$Y T$ Ќ   "wC"  wC0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  g  .3  0 T$T$  Linearexpansion:0.18,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jjߎ#.wC#݌  T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wCj0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  h  .3  0 T$T$  Moisturecontent:3.0,testedtoASTMD4442.wCj݌ @  T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC蛐0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  i  .3  0 T$T$  Firerating:ClassB,testedtoASTME84.wC蛐Ȑ݌X  T$ T$ Ќ  @>>$****OR****   B  IncludethefollowingforInduresheet. X  CB  Cx"u "  uܐ0 Q 2   C   .3  0QT$QT$  ResinInfusedCompositePanels:uܐ݌T$T$ Ќ  "v["  v[0 Q 0QT$QT$2  1  .3  0T$T$  Product:Indure.v[݌@T$T$ Ќ   "v["  v[Д0 Q 0QT$QT$2  2  .3  0T$T$  Recycledcontent:65percentpreconsumerrecycledFSCcertifiedwood.v[Д݌XT$T$ Ќ   "v["  v[0 Q 0QT$QT$2  3  .3  0T$T$  Freefromaddedureaformaldehyde.v[J݌T$T$ Ќ   jjB  #jjF#Editthefollowingparagraphtoindicatecolorofresininfusedcompositesheet. @ jjoCe#jj#jj"v["  v[0 Q 0QT$QT$2  4  .3  0T$T$  Color:[____.][Tobeselectedfrommanufacturersfullcolorrange.]#jjm#jjv[݌T$T$ Ќ   B  #jjޥ#Editthefollowingparagraphtoindicatethicknessofresininfusedcompositesheet. @ jjC-#jjĚ#"v["  v[)0 Q 0QT$QT$2  5  .3  0T$T$  Thickness:[3/8][1/2][3/4]inchjj,testedtoASTMD1037.#jj#v[)V݌!T$T$ Ќ   jj"v["  v[ɜ0 Q 0QT$QT$2  6  .3  0T$T$  #jjު#jjPhysicalcharacteristics:v[ɜ݌"T$T$ Ќ   "wC"  wC+0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  a  .3  0 T$T$  #jjޚ#Density:78,testedtoASTMD2395.wC+X݌@# T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wCu0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  b  .3  0 T$T$  Internalbond:887,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jjZ#.wCu݌X$ T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  c  .3  0 T$T$  Modulusofrupture:8300,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jjС#.wC݌% T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC[0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  d  .3  0 T$T$  Modulusofelasticity:737,000,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jjL#.wC[݌& T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wCף0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  e  .3  0 T$T$  Hardness,Jankaball:7792,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jjĤ#.wCף݌@' T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wCO0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  f  .3  0 T$T$  Screwholding;testedtoASTMjjD1037#jj/#:wCO|݌X ( T$ T$ Ќ  "xD"  xD0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$0 T$T$2  1  )3  0Y T$ T$  Face:843.xD݌!)Y T$Y T$ Ќ   "xD"  xD0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$0 T$T$2  2  )3  0Y T$ T$  Edge:952.xD ݌!*Y T$Y T$ Ќ   "wC"  wC,0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  g  .3  0 T$T$  Linearexpansion:0.07,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jj#.wC,Y݌"@ + T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC蠪0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  h  .3  0 T$T$  Moisturecontent:4.0,testedtoASTMD4442.wC蠪ͪ݌X#!, T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wCѫ0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  i  .3  0 T$T$  Firerating:ClassB,testedtoASTME84.wCѫ݌$!- T$ T$ Ќ  @>>$****OR**** %@#/ B  IncludethefollowingforOrientsheet. '$1 ?C5B  C"u "  uƭ0 Q 2   D   .3  0QT$QT$  ResinInfusedCompositePanels:uƭ݌(@&3T$T$ Ќ  "v["  v[0 Q 0QT$QT$2  1  .3  0T$T$  Product:Orient.v[݌X)'4T$T$ Ќ   "v["  v[0 Q 0QT$QT$2  2  .3  0T$T$  Recycledcontent:75percentpreconsumerrecycledFSCcertifiedwood.v[3݌*'5T$T$ Ќ   "v["  v[S0 Q 0QT$QT$2  3  .3  0T$T$  Freefromaddedureaformaldehyde.v[S݌*(6T$T$ Ќ   jjB  #jj|#Editthefollowingparagraphtoindicatecolorofresininfusedcompositesheet. X,*8 jj -*9 C#jj>#jj"v["  v[ֳ0 Q 0QT$QT$2  4  .3  0T$T$  Color:[____.][Tobeselectedfrommanufacturersfullcolorrange.]#jj޷#jjv[ֳ݌XT$T$ Ќ   B  #jj#Editthefollowingparagraphtoindicatethicknessofresininfusedcompositesheet.  jjq#jj#"v["  Cgv[e0 Q 0QT$QT$2  5  .3  0T$T$  Thickness:[3/8][1/2][3/4]inchjj,testedtoASTMD1037.#jjB#v[e݌XT$T$ Ќ   jj"v["  v[0 Q 0QT$QT$2  6  .3  0T$T$  #jj#jjPhysicalcharacteristics:v[@݌T$T$ Ќ   "wC"  wCu0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  a  .3  0 T$T$  #jj#Density:72,testedtoASTMD2395.wCu݌ T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC迺0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  b  .3  0 T$T$  Internalbond:498,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jjޤ#.wC迺݌@ T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC/0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  c  .3  0 T$T$  Modulusofrupture:8823,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jj#.wC/\݌X T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC襽0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  d  .3  0 T$T$  Modulusofelasticity:1,281,514,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jjޘ#.wC襽ҽ݌   T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC#0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  e  .3  0 T$T$  Hardness,Jankaball:4589,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jj#.wC#P݌   T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  f  .3  0 T$T$  Screwholding;testedtoASTMjjD1037#jj{#:wC݌ @  T$ T$ Ќ  "xD"  xD0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$0 T$T$2  1  )3  0Y T$ T$  Face:751.xD3݌X Y T$Y T$ Ќ   "xD"  xD?0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$0 T$T$2  2  )3  0Y T$ T$  Edge:729.xD?l݌ Y T$Y T$ Ќ   "wC"  wCx0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  g  .3  0 T$T$  Linearexpansion:0.07,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jja#.wCx݌  T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  h  .3  0 T$T$  Moisturecontent:2.0,testedtoASTMD4442.wC݌ @  T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  i  .3  0 T$T$  Firerating:ClassC,testedtoASTME84.wCJ݌X  T$ T$ Ќ  @>>$****OR****   B  IncludethefollowingforPardasheet. X CB  C"u "  u0 Q 2   E   .3  0QT$QT$  ResinInfusedCompositePanels:u>݌T$T$ Ќ  "v["  v[:0 Q 0QT$QT$2  1  .3  0T$T$  Product:Parda.v[:g݌@T$T$ Ќ   "v["  v[P0 Q 0QT$QT$2  2  .3  0T$T$  Recycledcontent:70percentpreconsumerrecycledFSCcertifiedwood.v[P}݌XT$T$ Ќ   "v["  v[0 Q 0QT$QT$2  3  .3  0T$T$  Freefromaddedureaformaldehyde.v[݌T$T$ Ќ   jjB  #jj#Editthefollowingparagraphtoindicatecolorofresininfusedcompositesheet. @ jjC#jjވ#jj"v["  v[ 0 Q 0QT$QT$2  4  .3  0T$T$  Color:[____.][Tobeselectedfrommanufacturersfullcolorrange.]#jj#jjv[ 9݌T$T$ Ќ   B  #jj%#Editthefollowingparagraphtoindicatethicknessofresininfusedcompositesheet. @ jjC#jjD#"v["  v[0 Q 0QT$QT$2  5  .3  0T$T$  Thickness:[3/8][1/2]inchjj,testedtoASTMD1037.#jjr#v[݌!T$T$ Ќ   jj"v["  v[C0 Q 0QT$QT$2  6  .3  0T$T$  #jj$#jjPhysicalcharacteristics:v[Cp݌"T$T$ Ќ   "wC"  wC0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  a  .3  0 T$T$  #jj#Density:76,testedtoASTMD2395.wC݌@# T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  b  .3  0 T$T$  Internalbond:735,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jj#.wC݌X$ T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC_0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  c  .3  0 T$T$  Modulusofrupture:4477,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jjJ#.wC_݌% T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  d  .3  0 T$T$  Modulusofelasticity:797,295,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jj#.wC݌& T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wCQ0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  e  .3  0 T$T$  Hardness,Jankaball:4897,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jj>#.wCQ~݌@' T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  f  .3  0 T$T$  Screwholding;testedtoASTMjjD1037#jjީ#:wC݌X ( T$ T$ Ќ  "xD"  xD40 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$0 T$T$2  1  )3  0Y T$ T$  Face:672.xD4a݌!)Y T$Y T$ Ќ   "xD"  xDm0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$0 T$T$2  2  )3  0Y T$ T$  Edge:681.xDm݌!*Y T$Y T$ Ќ   "wC"  wC0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  g  .3  0 T$T$  Linearexpansion:0.13,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jjޏ#.wC݌"@ + T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  h  .3  0 T$T$  Moisturecontent:3.0,testedtoASTMD4442.wCG݌X#!, T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wCK0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  i  .3  0 T$T$  Firerating:ClassB,testedtoASTME84.wCKx݌$!- T$ T$ Ќ  @>>$****OR**** %@#/ B  IncludethefollowingforTiikerisheet. '$1 CB  C)"u "  uA0 Q 2   F   .3  0QT$QT$  ResinInfusedCompositePanels:uAn݌(@&3T$T$ Ќ  "v["  v[j0 Q 0QT$QT$2  1  .3  0T$T$  Product:Tiikeri.v[j݌X)'4T$T$ Ќ   "v["  v[0 Q 0QT$QT$2  2  .3  0T$T$  Recycledcontent:50percentpreconsumerrecycledrapidlyrenewablesorghumstraw.v[݌*'5T$T$ Ќ   "v["  v[0 Q 0QT$QT$2  3  .3  0T$T$  Freefromaddedureaformaldehyde.v[ ݌*(6T$T$ Ќ   jjB  #jj#Editthefollowingparagraphtoindicatecolorofresininfusedcompositesheet. X,*8 jj -*9 .C$#jj#jj"v["  v[_0 Q 0QT$QT$2  4  .3  0T$T$  Color:[____.][Tobeselectedfrommanufacturersfullcolorrange.]#jj@#jjv[_݌XT$T$ Ќ   B  #jjx#Editthefollowingparagraphtoindicatethicknessofresininfusedcompositesheet.  jjC#jjޗ#"v["  v[0 Q 0QT$QT$2  5  .3  0T$T$  Thickness:[3/8][1/2]inchjj,testedtoASTMD1037.#jj#v[)݌XT$T$ Ќ   jj"v["  v[0 Q 0QT$QT$2  6  .3  0T$T$  #jjw#jjPhysicalcharacteristics:v[݌T$T$ Ќ   "wC"  wC0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  a  .3  0 T$T$  #jjg#Density:62,testedtoASTMD2395.wC%݌ T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wCB0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  b  .3  0 T$T$  Internalbond:112,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jj'#.wCBo݌@ T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  c  .3  0 T$T$  Modulusofrupture:2397,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jjޝ#.wC݌X T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC(0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  d  .3  0 T$T$  Modulusofelasticity:550,473,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jj#.wC(U݌   T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  e  .3  0 T$T$  Hardness,Jankaball:3100,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jjޑ#.wC݌   T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  f  .3  0 T$T$  Screwholding;testedtoASTMjjD1037#jj#:wCI݌ @  T$ T$ Ќ  "xD"  xD0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$0 T$T$2  1  )3  0Y T$ T$  Face:434.xD݌X Y T$Y T$ Ќ   "xD"  xD0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$0 T$T$2  2  )3  0Y T$ T$  Edge:372.xD݌ Y T$Y T$ Ќ   "wC"  wC0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  g  .3  0 T$T$  Linearexpansion:0.18,testedtoASTMjjD1037#jj#.wC&݌  T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wCm0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  h  .3  0 T$T$  Moisturecontent:3.0,testedtoASTMD4442.wCm݌ @  T$ T$ Ќ  "wC"  wC0 Q 0QT$QT$0T$T$2  i  .3  0 T$T$  Firerating:ClassB,testedtoASTME84.wC݌X  T$ T$ Ќ  "t "  t2  2  .  3  3  0 Q   ACCESSORIESt݌ QT$QT$ Ќ  B  C"u"  u0 Q 2   A   .3  0QT$QT$  Adhesives: Y       u݌XT$T$ Ќ  "v["  v[0 Q 0QT$QT$2  1  .3  0T$T$  Typerecommendedbyresininfusedcompositepanelmanufacturer.v[A݌T$T$ Ќ   "v["  v[j0 Q 0QT$QT$2  2  .3  0T$T$  ZMaximumvolatileorganiccompound(VOC)content:[70][__]jjԀgramsperliter#jjv#jj.#jj#,v[j݌T$T$ Ќ   jj"u"  uܘ0 Q 2   B   .3  0QT$QT$  Filler:Colormatchedwoodfillerorsolidsurfaceepoxy.uܘ݌XT$T$ Ќ  "u"  u0 Q 2   C   .3  0QT$QT$  Finish:Clear[conversionvarnish,][polyurethane,][laquer,][satin.][semigloss.][gloss.]u݌T$T$ Ќ  #jjx#jj"t"  t̃2  2  .  4  3  0 Q   FABRICATIONt̃݌XQT$QT$ Ќ  "u"  un0 Q 2   A   .3  0QT$QT$  #jjc#Fabricatepanelstosizesandshapesindicated,inaccordancewithmanufacturer'sinstructionsand  approvedShopDrawings.un݌@T$T$ Ќ  "u"  u) 0 Q 2   B   .3  0QT$QT$  Provideholesandcutoutsformountingofwallmountedequipmentandaccessories.u) V ݌!T$T$ Ќ  "u"  u܄ 0 Q 2   C   .3  0QT$QT$  Fillvoidswithfiller;finishsmoothandflushwithadjacentsurfaces.u܄  ݌@#T$T$ Ќ  "u"  u 0 Q 2   D   .3  0QT$QT$  Lightlysandcompletedfabricationswithminimum220gritorbitalsander.u  ݌%T$T$ Ќ  "u"  u(0 Q 2   E   .3  0QT$QT$  Wipeoffsurfacesusingmineralspiritsandallowtodry.u(U݌@'T$T$ Ќ  "u"  uk0 Q 2   F   .3  0QT$QT$  Applyonecoatsealerandtwofinishcoats.Alloweachcoattodrycompletelybeforeapplying !) subsequentcoats.uk݌!*T$T$ Ќ  "u"  u0 Q 2   G   .3  0QT$QT$  AllowableTolerances:u%݌X#!,T$T$ Ќ  "v["  v[0 Q 0QT$QT$2  1  .3  0T$T$  Maximumvariationinsize:[1/8][__]inch.v[C݌$!-T$T$ Ќ   "v["  v[H0 Q 0QT$QT$2  2  .3  0T$T$  Maximumvariationinlocationofopenings:[1/8][__]inchfromindicatedlocation.jjv[Hu݌$".T$T$ Ќ   #jjI# "KT"  KT2PART  3  3    ݀0  EXECUTION KT݌X&$0T$T$ Ќ  "t"  t2  3  .  1  3  0 Q   jjPREPARATIONt݌'%2QT$QT$ Ќ  "u"  u0 Q 2   A   .3  0QT$QT$  Cleansurfacestoreceivepanels;removelooseandforeignmatterthancouldinterferewith `)'4 adhesion.u݌ *'5T$T$ Ќ  "t"  tP2  3  .  2  3  0 Q   INSTALLATIONtP}݌+H)7QT$QT$ Ќ  "u"  u<0 Q 2   A   .3  0QT$QT$  InstallpanelsinaccordancewithmanufacturersinstructionsandapprovedShopDrawings.u<i݌ -*9T$T$ Ќ  B  #jj_#jjC"u"  u0 Q 2   B   .3  0QT$QT$  Adherepanels#jj#jjwithcontinuousbeadsofadhesive.#jj#jju)݌T$T$ Ќ  "u"  uܺ0 Q 2   C   .3  0QT$QT$  Installpanels#jjW#jjplumb.Alignadjacentpiecesinsameplane.uܺ݌@T$T$ Ќ  "u"  u@0 Q 2   D   .3  0QT$QT$  Installwithhairline$N  $N    ,   ,zefo  joints.#jj޲#jju@m݌T$T$ Ќ  #jj #jj"t"  ţ 2  3  .  3  3  0 Q   INSTALLATIONTOLERANCESţ  ݌@QT$QT$ Ќ  "u"  uܞ!0 Q 2   A   .3  0QT$QT$  Maximumvariationfromplumb:1/4inchin10feet,noncumulative.uܞ!!݌  T$T$ Ќ  "u"  u"0 Q 2   B   .3  0QT$QT$  Maximumvariationinplanebetweenadjacentpiecesatjoint:Plusorminus1/16inch.u"#݌ @ T$T$ Ќ  "t"  tH$2  3  .  4  3  0 Q   CLEANINGtH$u$݌ QT$QT$ Ќ  "u"  u0%0 Q 2   A   .3  0QT$QT$  Cleanpanels#jjއ #jjinaccordancewithmanufacturer'sinstructions.u0%]%݌ @ T$T$ Ќ  #jj&&# @  # ENDOFSECTION