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What comes to mind when you think of Earth Day? Earlier this week, we asked the CaraGreen team what they did to #createbetter in honor of Earth Day. We got a lot of wonderful responses from our eco-conscious team: Composting. Planting trees. Upcycling. Recycling. These are great and accessible ways to create a better earth for yourself and others. 

…but what about chicken shit bingo?

Damon, our Southwest Sales Manager, is a chicken man. Before he sold healthy building materials with CaraGreen, Damon built chicken coops. He has a chicken coop in his backyard and knows just about everything one could ever know about chickens. His celebration of Earth Day, was, to be frank, insane. And wacky. And just plain fun. So fun, that we decided to dedicate this entire blog post to his means of celebration. 

So without further ado, here it is: 

Let’s Get Chicken Cooped Up

Let’s do something different to celebrate Earth Day and break the monotony of our current predicament with our pollos amigos!

We’ll play a simple game that takes advantage of three pillars of Earth Day.

  1. Compost
  2. Backyard Farming
  3. Drinking

How can you do that?

Using a time-honored tradition that originated in a small Austin, Texas honky tonk, The Little Longhorn Saloon.




This is a simple game; all you’ll need are a few supplies and a lot to drink.

  • Poster board/cardboard boxes/butcher paper (the more biodegradable, the better)
  • Paper, a ruler and some markers
  • A coop, some feed and most importantly some chickens


How to play, until you can’t.

  1. Take the large piece of cardboard and make a grid as simple, complicated or creative as you like.
  2. Inside the squares of the grid draw some numbers and Earth Day Symbols.
  3. Make some bingo cards with the same numbers and symbols.
  4. Place the large grid inside of the coop with your chickens and spread a little feed on top.
  5. Hand out the cards and the adult beverages.
  6. Wait for nature to start the game.
  7. Play Bingo.
  8. To up the stakes, every time a chicken leaves a little fertilizer on an Earth Day symbol yell “Carbon Footprint” and take a drink.


I can’t say that I know what goes on in the mind of a chicken. I know it’s not much, but I’m sure they’re having fun celebrating Earth Day. Rather than, let’s say, any holiday where they might be the main course.

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