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CaraGreen is excited to bring BaBa reclaimed flooring to its line of sustainable products.  BaBa, based in Pittsboro, North Carolina has a unique process for its antique wood flooring that gives the product a depth and luster unmatched by other reclaimed flooring options.  Species include white oak, red oak, pine, heart pine, cherry and several others – some over 100 years old.

Their hands-on finishing process matches experienced flooring installers with the design community to create some of the most stunning flooring installations we have ever seen.     Designers are welcome to visit the facility and experiment to create the perfect look and feel for their client by working with BaBa finishing team.  How do we know that this reclaimed flooring is the boss?  Bruce Springsteen called BaBa himself to get his hands on this flooring!  And, it’s Born in the USA.

Call or email info@caragreen.com to get price quotes on this new flooring line.

Baba Swatches


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